Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Heartful Bathtub

"My heart was a bathtub.  I filled it with so much water.  so much warm water.
I sat in it.
It was so warm.  When it got cold I turned the water back on.
The water flowed over the sides. I kept filling it.  the water covered the bathroom floor.
The water went under the door and down the hall.  The water filled the hall.  I was sitting in it the whole time.
It was so warm.
the water filled the whole house.  poured out of the windows on the second floor.
It flooded the attic.  I was still sitting in it.  It felt so good on my body.
Our lawn became a swimming pool.  The street a creek.
Downtown became a lake, City Hall a lake house. Your grandfather started to go to work in a rowboat.
I saw the Mayer in a canoe.
For some reason,  The Mayor had feathers in his mouth.
I saw him from the bathroom window.  when he paddled past, he smiled at me. I was in the tub the whole time.
It was so warm. I flooded the whole town.  That's why we moved here".

As I was reading through some poems I stumbled upon this one and I really liked it.  But I thought it needed a different title so I came up with The Heart Full Bathtub.  This poem had a lot more meaning to it when it was named The Heart Full Bathtub.  The older name was "What His Father Said" and it just didn't seem to fit. As I was reading this poem the title didn't seem to fit with what was said in it.  I liked the way that the writer used the word "heart"  and filling it like a bathtub with warm feelings of joy.      

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